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References: [ +from:NevEyre@AOL.COM: 134 ]

Total 134 documents matching your query.

1. Re: Europa-List: What Future for Europa Customers (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2004 12:18:26
Hi Dave, I am writing this from home, I had to leave work before I thumped Ray [ AKA Wilson's Weasel].He used my computer, and replied to you without my knowledge. He is trying to shift the blame for
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-07/msg00458.html (9,509 bytes)

2. Re: Europa-List: Fuel Tank Connection Restriction.... (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 03:03:48
Hi All, I believe Bob had a problem with dog hair forming a ''ball'' inside the fitting........ I have allready given him the answer.... shave the dog ! Cheers, Nev. P.S. This message really is from
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-07/msg00505.html (7,748 bytes)

3. Re: Europa-List: Doors and painting (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 03:44:45
Hi Steve, The doors [ and other grey bits] are made in Polyester Resin, scuff the grey gelcoat off completely in the bonding area, [80 Grit] and stick the glazing directly onto the exposed fibres.Rea
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-08/msg00029.html (7,857 bytes)

4. Europa-List: A bit of light relief. (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 16:21:59
''Selling an aeroplane is like makeing love to a beautiful woman'' said Swiss Tony. [This will only mean something to fans of the TV ''Fast Show]
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-08/msg00045.html (6,867 bytes)

5. Re: Europa-List: Fitting Aileron in Wing (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 16:50:43
In adddition to John Heykoop's forwarding of a previous answer from me [ please do that, it saves me from doing it ! ] The minimum glue line width [ the last facet of the aileron / flap closeout] whi
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-08/msg00048.html (7,371 bytes)

6. Europa-List: Subcontractor List. (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 17:49:12
Hi All, Before anyone gets too carried away re future supply of parts, can I let it be known there are at least three seperate parties actively in talks with the reciever, all with the intention of k
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-08/msg00107.html (8,188 bytes)

7. Re: Europa-List: glider wing C-spar (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 02:23:59
Hi Steve,That is correct, no tapes between C spar and outer skin. The load is much less out there. Cheers, Nev.
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-08/msg00119.html (6,826 bytes)

8. Re: Europa-List: Removing Paint from Engine Mount????? (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 10:23:15
Hi, Strong paint strpper [ Nitromors] will shift the powder coating, use emery cloth to get to clean steel, then wash the stripper away with a strong detergent, dry, and finnish with the paint of you
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-08/msg00132.html (8,180 bytes)

9. Europa-List: A bit of light relief. (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 13:37:32
Keith is saying '' Ray, get yourself out of my butt for a minute, and look at what is out here''.
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-08/msg00137.html (6,818 bytes)

10. Re: Europa-List: Older Exhaust (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 13:10:00
Hi John, The alloy flanges, and pop rivets were for a cabin heat system, to be cut into the outer skin of the silencer, do not use them, you will get far too hot [ to the point of being unbearable].
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-08/msg00590.html (6,947 bytes)

11. Re: Europa-List: Flap Alignment (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2004 03:31:55
Hi Dave, Clamp the TGW21's to the outer W18's. Fit the FL3 between the TGW21's, with all the spacers, as per the manual. Do whatever you have to do with the W19 and W20, [in as much as juggle which s
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00044.html (7,497 bytes)

12. Re: Europa-List: Begging info.... (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2004 03:37:24
Hi Ferg, Still alive and kicking ! Two Bid's go on the base of the fin. If you have a 2mm gap, it is better [ lighter and cheaper] to fill that with some plywood. This also ensures you have a full bo
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00045.html (7,193 bytes)

13. Re: Europa-List: Hurricane Frances (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 13:27:41
Will ''Hurricane Ivan'' behave anything like the other Ivan ? Rush around in circles, blowing lots of hot air, howling and whining, getting everyone totally pi**ed off, dissapear as fast as it came,
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00150.html (7,523 bytes)

14. Re: Europa-List: FW: PFA NW Strut Fly-in this Sunday - Manchester Barton (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 12:49:16
Hi Jeremy Who, If the weather is not too bad, I will be there, competing in a F2B control line model stunt event.[next to the Police Helicopter] I'll have that pint you promised me ! Cheers, Nev.
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00363.html (8,162 bytes)

15. Re: Europa-List: FW: PFA NW Strut Fly-in this Sunday - Manchester Barton (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 03:40:58
Hi All, I am not going to Barton today, only just got back from marsalling on the Wales Rally GB, need to catch up on some sleep ! Cheers, Nev.
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00416.html (8,211 bytes)

16. Re: Europa-List: Europa Partition and my Conscience. (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2004 18:21:22
Tony, are you a complete Tw@ ? [ I recon you must be] Disregarding the legal side of things [ new Company not responsable for the old ones debts,] can you not understand that the three key Directors
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00570.html (11,477 bytes)

17. Re: Europa-List: Spraylat (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 16:51:47
I agree with Richard, ditch the spraylat, use polythene sheet to protect the plexi'. Spraylat is used by manufacturers because it is easy....... a muppet can put it on ! I sent a reply to Ferg a coup
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00635.html (8,159 bytes)

18. Re: Europa-List: Epibond 420 shelf life? (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 16:54:55
Hi Ron, Similar properties, different make up. Don't know about the Epibond Time Ex, but Redux is good for a couple of years past the Time Ex, if it is kept warm [ not frozen] Cheers, Nev.
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00636.html (6,918 bytes)

19. Europa-List: Window masking (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 18:21:47
Hi Ferg, Sorry, the Queens English doesn't translate too well into Crazy Canook. Wot I ment two rite woz.... The first pvc tape finnishes 1/2'' from the finnished paint line [ which is 1/8'' away fro
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00639.html (7,416 bytes)

20. Re: Europa-List: push rods for the doors (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 14:36:56
Easy way to cut the slots is to mount 3 blades, side by side. in a hacksaw frame. Cheers, Nev.
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-10/msg00164.html (8,145 bytes)

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