Exhaust support would seem like a good idea. Has it been done by others and t urned into an approved mod? I can=99t see anything on Europa Club site re this. David he headers. aution when opening att
I added a stick-top trim switch to both sticks many years ago, and a panel push-button switch to select between them. I didnt have a Governor or anything like that. I just added it to a list of minor
Hello David I=99m sure you=99ve searched everywhere but I was curious as to w hat a Binx nut was so I looked it up and found these online which may be sui table as a temporary fix and seem to be avai
Im in the same situation where I have a Classic wing with stall warner but no stall strips. Andy Draper did my most recent annual permit inspection and suggested it was a good idea to fit the stall s
Pete Glad you managed to source what you needed from the US. Can I ask how you ar e planning to ream out the hinges to take this new, larger pin, or are the h inges sufficiently worn that a 2.5mm pin
I have a pre-used Digitrak Trutrak AP that I plan to fit to our Europa. Are there any experts out there that can tell me whether the Garmin GPS 18x 5Hz puck that I have been offered, will work as a f
Alan. Thank you very much for the detailed reply. You clearly know a lot about this! I was not planning to link the AP to follow a flight track which I had pre-programmed into a GPS as I only use Sky
Thanks Alan and Peter. Seems from what Peter has said in his reply, the Skymap III would work. I was only thinking that I would manually input the track required into the AP in order to avoid having
Thanks, Rowland. Unfortunately my Mac is an older one that doesnt have the M1/2 chip and I dont have a PC, but youre right that this would work for file transfer. When you use your GPSmap 296 to fly
Thanks, Rowland. Ill investigate that route to save and download a gpx file. have a PC, but youre right that this would work for file transfer. override or cancel that route and choose a different tr
Alan Just so I am clear, does the Trutrak need the GPS track data that it uses to set up the compass cardinals every time it is switched on or is this just a one-off requirementduring initial commiss
Thanks, Alan. It will be interesting to see what happens! Assuming the magnetometer is not affected too badly by electronics around it, then using it to fly a simple, manually inputted magnetic track
Thanks, Duncan. Interesting observations re magnetometer-driven track following and also the effects of damp/winter! Im being rather slow here but Im still not clear: If we want the Trutrak to contro
Alan Thank you very much for this update. Very helpful indeed. I have been offered a Garmin Aera 500 which would be a much neater and smaller GPS input source than my Skymap IIIC. Would you happen to
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Ah, yes Roland. You did mention this but good to see that you have it working in 'ground mode'. Look forward to seeing more on your website once it is back up and running. David - I think I may have
Arwel I have a small sliding hatch in the D-panel in the baggage bay bulkhead that does exactly what you're suggesting. When this hatch is open, there is significantly more draught flowing through th
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Duncan Id be very interested in any photos you can post of your ping pong ball arrangement! Thanks David airflow (including away from the knees). These were made from a ping pong ball with a bit of t
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