Just about to close my wings up. Has anyone fitted tiedown strong points in the wing?. Building XS Trike or maybe taildragger with speed kit. Thanks.... Dave Park dvdpar@aol.com
Can anyone give me the dimensions of the MOno Trailer Width.............. Length.............. Height of highest Part of loaded Europa............. Will it fit my garage?????????
Just about to Araldite top wing skin on. Can some one reassure me in use of Araldite 420. 1. Do you need to warm it up before mixing to get it more fluid? 2. How long is the working time? 3. Any othe
Thanks everyone for your responses. Im away for a few days now but will be fitting top skins next week. Fuselage arriving end of the month, so have to finnish wings. Thanks again .....Dave Park......
I am working on the fuselage - cockpit module at the moment can you reaveal any more info. My preference would be tail dragger config. but Im not prepared t do the research etc!!! Dave Park ... Nr St
I used 4 sheets of 3/4" x 24" x 48" MDF 2x 3/8" threaded rod + 2 nuts 2x 24" of 4"x2" xxxxxxxxxx x x x x x x x x x x x < threaded rod through centre + 4x2 to x x make cradle with 2 MDF boards x x Hig
I am still waiting for a version designed by Miles Mc Callum to be completed, using off shelf parts for trike. It should be as light if not lighter than Mono. Contact Miles milesm@avnet.co.uk. He sen
Builder 371. I have put my XS wing skins on and wings are complete. Is it possible to drill up behind the leading edge from the root rib to the point where the stall warn is situated. (Long drill!).
Just finally fitting Control Rod End Bearings before bonding in cockpit module. The rear ones are impossible to get at once module bonded in. One seems a bit dry - what kind of grease should be used
I have seen something in the past where builders have used a speckle paint in the footwells - for hard wearing properties - has anyone any information to confirm this and also where can I get it and