Hey Richard, Bill Moreland here and I have recently purchased a Europa XS and have been reading this matronics .com site ttying to find other owners close enough to me that we could possibly meet up
Thanks for the info Richard.Yes I will be joining the Europa club. Good flying to you! Thanks again , Bill Moreland s ou o th l a mono!! I m rs y a the d on on
Hey Bud , I hope you are able to fly your bird there ,and I do hope to see you and meet some other owners of the Europas in Oshkosh. Bill fe flight dy to =99t om n w Y nly 250 to e veloped a small o
Hello trying to figure out how I would renew my membership in the Europa Club. I joined last year ,2016 , while at SUn n Fun. My name is Bill Moreland from Pa. I would love to renew my membership wit
Hello Jim, I live in Bedford Pa. and have a few hangers in Cumberland, Md. where I keep my Europa which I aquired from Lynn Puglise in Fl. a year and a half ago. I have not been flying it hardley at
I have been thinking about possibly purchasing a set of glider wings for awhile now. Was wondering if you have or could take some photos of your wings and in particular the JohnneyWingwalker setup un