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References: [ 538 ]

Total 538 documents matching your query.

1. Europa-List: Top On! (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 23:28:55
Hi All and Svein expressly! My top is today finally bonded on and wanna share my experiences: - it took Redux 3 x 105 g (75+30) = 315 g - about 50 g was wiped off - it took 20 clecos and about 100 pc
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-05/msg00152.html (7,817 bytes)

2. Europa-List: just three thoughts (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 03:05:05
Hi All Europa World! 1) my third princess was born few hours ago 2) I am happy for those lucky builders -Tim Ward (he has produced also my boots!) - Paul McAllister (thanks for many good advices!) -
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-06/msg00216.html (7,593 bytes)

3. Re: Europa-List: Administrator's questionnaire (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 14:06:13
Hi Jeremy! I got it today (to Finland). They have sent it for me with extremely wrong name (R Tovio Esq) and no street name att all but thanks for The Great Finnish Postal Systems I have it. Regards,
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-08/msg00130.html (9,749 bytes)

4. Re: Europa-List: Fuel drain modification? (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2004 00:40:35
This sounds great for me, I like genius people. Better (for safe only) both of them. If only one system, you should have water drains first of all (this is only IMHO like Bob always says). Cessna pe
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00206.html (9,510 bytes)

5. Re: Europa-List: RE: Fuel drain modification? (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 00:42:29
Dear Jos, you are absolutely right: I have carefully checked my Cessnas metal tanks before every flight about 700 times during 8 (in fact 12) years and never noticed any water in fuel check. That mea
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00237.html (11,003 bytes)

6. Re: Europa-List: RE: Fuel drain modification? (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 22:37:39
OK Jos, maybe we both are right: My Cessna lives in wintertime in the warm hangar and so I can take water samples and I do not certainly add any antifreeze. Also, it is strictly forbidden to add any
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00319.html (10,001 bytes)

7. Europa-List: battery space (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 00:19:36
Hi All! I got today my battery, which is Hawker/EnerSys Odyssey PC925 (HCA 925A, CCA380A!). I am not sure yet the final location (under the baggage bay or fwf). Those of you who know or can measure:
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00324.html (7,088 bytes)

8. Europa-List: pip-pin accident! Need spare and medical help! (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 23:44:36
0.00 MANY_EXCLAMATIONS Subject has many exclamations Hi All! My spar pip pin was broken today. L-shaped handle went in many pieces. It was one kind of battle when pulling it out, without any handle t
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00367.html (9,324 bytes)

9. Europa-List: Spar pip-pin (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 00:30:07
To All who have thought today Pins w/Balls! Yesterday night I was almost despair of my spar pip-pin. Today I learned at least thinks as follows and can be happy also: 1) Obviously I managed to stir t
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00386.html (8,910 bytes)

10. Europa-List: spar pip pin /improved rigg/derigg time (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 22:44:56
Hi All! As you remember, I managed to broke my spar pip pin. After all, I have adjusted things from there and there and now all the three (x2) bushes (cpm, 2xspar) are exactly in same line and parall
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00516.html (7,655 bytes)

11. Re: Europa-List: Firewall Forward-less (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 12:55:15
Hi! 1) Raimo Toivio 2) #417 3) Mono 4) installing flap drive mechanism 5) 37500 Lempaala, Finland Regards, Raimo M W Toivio OH-XRT #417 OH-CVK OH-BLL 37500 Lempaala Finland tel + 358 3 3753 777 fax
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-09/msg00618.html (8,002 bytes)

12. Europa-List: New Spar Pip-pn (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 21:24:13
For your information: As you remember my earlier pip-pin disaster, I ordered last Thursday a new pip-pin from and got it today. So it was only four days shipment from the other side
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-11/msg00056.html (7,932 bytes)

13. Re: Europa-List: New Spar Pip-pn (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 00:28:43
Just one for port side. For stbd-side, I believe one and original plane pin (w/o pips) had to be usable. Raimo Raimo M W Toivio OH-XRT #417 OH-CVK OH-BLL 37500 Lempaala Finland tel + 358 3 3753 777 f
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-11/msg00081.html (9,583 bytes)

14. Re: Europa-List: New Spar Pip-pn (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 23:54:14
Duncan, Sorry, my missunderstanding!
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2004-11/msg00102.html (8,030 bytes)

15. Re: Europa-List: Just for the record...... (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 14:28:48
Yes, I am honoured to prove that! How I know that? I think It had to be true, because I was in control, stick with dozens of buttons was in my hand, I heard Jabirus strong and low growling and saw pl
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2005-02/msg00151.html (7,950 bytes)

16. Europa-List: rudder stops (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 00:19:25
Hi All! I want to establish my rudder stops. The rudder movement should be 30-32 degrees per side. Noticed it is not easy to measure accurately: I have made templates, calculated triconometrically, c
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2005-05/msg00108.html (7,607 bytes)

17. Re: Europa-List: rudder stops (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 15:31:32
Hi All! I have got plenty of great answers --From almost all the continents - I thank all of you. Also, now I know there must be Europas flying equipped with all sorts of different rudder travels I n
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2005-05/msg00125.html (9,098 bytes)

18. Re: Europa-List: rudder stops (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 15:05:14
I got yesterday a tip to look for Europa News #39 page 14 and heureka there it was: The perfect but human way to check rudder travel. I completed it at once and it took only 5 minutes to do the job.
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2005-05/msg00142.html (11,797 bytes)

19. Europa-List: door push rods (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 22:10:26
Dear Builders! The distance between shooting boltss points (when open) should be 947 mm. I have followed strictly revised manual and my push rods are perfect. For example shorter one from roll pin ce
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2005-11/msg00138.html (7,537 bytes)

20. Europa-List: Re: door push rods (score: 1)
Author: Raimo Toivio <>
Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 22:30:52
I made today two new door push rods (fore) with effective lenght 142 (total 156) mm. They operate nice, feel safe and the distance between boltss points is just 947 mm. Aft push rods are like in manu
/europa_forum//html/europa-list/2005-11/msg00155.html (8,441 bytes)

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