Hi all, I purchased a set of the ultimate ventilators on the recommendation of Bob Berube at Flight Crafters. I have not installed them yet as I am still working on the wings of my Euroapa, N914XL. B
Europaphiles, Surprised by the response, I have posted the pics of The Ultimate Ventilator on the web. You can find them at: http://idisk.mac.com/rlborger/Public/InsideClosed.jpg http://idisk.mac.com
Graham & Tony, I am about ready to close my wings. This Dynon EFIS looks very interesting. I checked their web site and it is quite descriptive of most everything except physically installing the pit
Kingsley, et.al., Please put me on any mailing list you might assemble for folks interested in the Door Support Mod. I'll be starting the fuselage soon so the timing is excellent for me. Best regards
Brian, Welcome to the Europa builder group. I live just south of Denton just off IH-35E. Please feel free to give me a call any time you want to talk Eruopa or want to stop by and see one of these th
John, Go to the following URL and it will provide you a list of 35 - 40 North American, U.S., distributors. http://www.adhesives.vantico.com/contactUs/distributors/ distributors.rhtm?&range=General%2
Brian, I'll add my 2 bits about the table. I built a sturdy work table out of 2x4's and 3/4" plywood. It's 8'x 3'x 40" on locking castors with a lower shelf about 6" off the floor. It's serious over-
Brian, Can't argue with anything that John Lawton recommends except for the Shears for cutting glass cloth. My wife introduced me to the rotary cutter. You'll never use a pair of shears again. Go to
Group, I forgot to mention in my previous posting that Redux is now called Araldite 420a/b. You will have to ask your selected provider for the new name. Go to - http://www.adhesives.vantico.com/ourP
John, No, I use it to cut to size from the bolt of cloth. I don't see a problem using them to cut wet cloth. The cutting wheel is easily removable and the whole thing cleaned up with RF-70A Hand & Su
...<Snip>... Don't feel foolish all by yourself, I messed up a set of flaps by missing the peel-ply. All I had ever seen was the bright green stuff. I spent much of a day trying to remove peel-ply f
Simon, and others who are caught with this problem: Before you grind away for hours on end, try slipping a chisel or putty knife under the edge of the layup. The layup doesn't stick to the peel ply.
Brian, I use MS Word (MS Office) on a Mac. Just type in your info: date/time/activity and drop in digital pics as you like. I'm sure that Word Perfect, Star Office, Open Office (Free for the Mac and
Ron, My experience and my experience only. No endorsements, your mileage may vary, etc. My EAA Tech Advisor recommended picking a complete system (filler, primer, paint) from a single provider for th
List, A while back someone asked about dual fuel flow sensor for an EFIS. I have not been able to locate the exact question in the list. It was of interest to me as I have a Rocky Mtn MicroMonitor pl
Ron, From my past tail-dragger flying, that sounds exactly right to me. Holds the tail down and holds down the wing into the wind. Regards, Bob Borger Europa Kit #A221 N914XL (40%) Start to close win
On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, at 11:32 AM, europa-list@matronics.com wrote: Bob Borger Europa Kit #A221 N914XL (40%) 3705 Lynchburg Dr. Corinth, TX 76208 Home: 940-497-2123 Cel: 817-992-1117
Tony, Your question: "I have the VHF aerial kit from Europa, and am wondering what others experience with this has been. I suppose I am attemptting to evaluate, after purchase, which is a bit of a du
Guys, I ordered a number of the new sub-kits from John in Lakeland back when they first were announced. When was that? March, April, May last year? Whenever... After checking with John back mid-year
Gents, A note, as promised, to let the group know that some of my order from early last year has arrived. I received my headphone jack panel and the pitot/static plumbing kit this afternoon. I also r