No, I don't use Evans, but I think its perhaps time to change the hoses, and fit the new clamps from rotax. Hi there, Are you using Evans? I have just had to change my Radiator Hoses after 150 hours
I have just completed mod 52 and 74, and I remark that there is a residual play in the the right wing : when moving it forward and reward, the karman move for about 1 mm, at the leading edge (about 0
I am looking informations, about int=E9rior kits from europa, what about the quality and comfort for the seats, has anyone some photos for this, or do you know a better adress in UK or USA thank's fo
After a one hour and a half flight, I tried to refuel the plane, but I wasn't able to add more than 8 liters. One hour later, I was able to refuel 16 liters more. I don't understand the problem, tank
In fact, my air vent for the tank is just above the filling connection on the tank , and exit near the cap, and there is a low spot on the tube, so probably , some gasoline enter the tube from time t
When I have changed my bungee chords, I have bought it from a shipchandler, they have a good choice, same quality,and that works very well, for 2 years, (I made 1 loop more) yannick LAURENS Hi all, T