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Subject: congratulations
From: P.L. ATKINSON <>
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 10:26:45
Hello all
 I have just started on kit no 237. My chock was finished this morning. I know
this is not quite as newsworthy as PKs first flight but we all have to start
 Congratulations to Peter.
 I would be interested to know more about his a/c. Is the weight due to the
luxurious fit or is this likely to be a typical kit weight. Incidentally I
notice that the manual does not give any guidance about completed component
weights. This would be very useful to us beginners to give us an early warning
if we are overdoing it with the epoxy etc.
 Paul Atkinson


  E-mail from: PAUL ATKINSON, 15-Oct-1995

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