After reading the recent spate of introductions, I realized I had forgotten to
send one in, even though I have been on line for about two months. Since it
is about -9 F outside now, sitting in front of this expensive TV is not a bad
place to be.
I have been following the Europa since it was first announced in the US
several years ago. Last April, I got to see it first hand at our Sun 'N Fun
and talk to Ivan Shaw. I was hooked! In July, a deposit was placed for a
kit, with a delayed delivery option. I had to have time to complete the
rebuild of my Avid that had a rather nasty encounter with a log during an
unscheduled off-field landing. That task having been completed, I am looking
forward to spring and picking up the kit at this year's Sun 'N Fun. After
reading through the accumulated correspondence since last July, it looks like
the project will be sometimes challenging, but always interesting,
Sorry about the rather long winded intro, but it is coming from the Windy
City. Me? I am an electrical engineer with Outboard Marine Corp, (makers of
Johnson, Evinrude outboards). Have a private license and fly strictly for
fun. This project will be taken on with some assistance from my son, who will
be completing his second year in mechanical engineering studies. Should be a
great learning experience for both of us.
Jim Hull - Chicago
US builder A016