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Subject: Introoduction
From: John Cliff <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 17:16:12
Hello all,

I'm John Cliff, from Binfield near Bracknell, Berks. (UK)

I have had the tail kit nearly 3 months and have (I hope!) nearly got to 
the end of Stage 0 - Preparing and Equipping the Workshop. I am a 
computer programmer by trade.

I am off to Clacton next week to try to complete my PPL (on a Super Cub) 
before the writtens and NFT start to expire, that would be truly boring.

I have at last worked my way through the 'back issues' of this forum and 
would like to thank all concerned for the help thus derived, in 
particular the regular and persistent correspondents. Long may it 
continue, it should ease thw way significantly for those of us presently 
bringing up the rear.

I am in contact with, and sharing the forum with, another builder, 
Douglas Steven, who does not have an email connection.

John Cliff
(Kit #259)

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