I bought a couple of digital levels about a month ago over the
counter from the CSE Spares operation at Kidlington, Oxford.
It seems to be the same unit as the one shown in the Aircraft Spruce
catalogue, thougn CSE only keep the 2 foot rail (with demountable sensor)
in stock. They didn't mention stock difficulties (though I might have
cleaned out their UK stock on that occasion).
The price is related to the strength of the dollar and a month ago was
=A391 a go. They will mail things, but their accounting system seems
designed to cater for airlines and air forces, so getting an order set up
could be less than speedy.
If you want the CSE part number drop me a line, either here or on
jfc@oasis.icl.co.uk , and I will dig it out.
I have also bought an electronic scale, 200 g by 0.1g. This works well,
the accuracy is alleged to be 0.75%, but will no doubt be less
bullet-proof and long-term stable than the expensive units. I intend to
use it for small mixes and for checking the balance/ratio mixer from time
to time. Again it was about =A390 and I could dig the name out if anyone is
Total flying this week to get my PPL before the April 25th deadline -
nil !