>> Is there someone who can help me with this dilemma ?
>> which anti-corrosion system in the best for an Europa ?
>> -Alodine(Henkel) plus zinc cromate and an epoxy finition
>> - or simply anodising ?
>Anodise the parts if you can find somewhere that will do it to the
>correct standard (see the builders manual), failing that Alodine and
>System Three Anti Corrosion Primer is the way to go. Zinc Chromate is not
good for
>your health and in many countries cannot be sold to unregistered
>maintenance engineers as it is a known carcinogenic.
>The System Three Anti Corrosion Primer is water reduceable, low
>volitility (which it allows it to be sent by air post), and sticks
>like you wouldn't believe to alodined surfaces.
>If you do alodine you will also need some Deoxydine to etch the
>aluminium beofre applying the alodine.
>There are no companies in New Zealand providing the correct anodising
>service so (unless you happen to work for a certain large airline) we
>builders have to use alodine.
>Once you have got used to it then applying alodine is not too
>difficult. The key points are that you should scrub the parts with a
>scotchbrite pad under running water until it is grease free. Etch
>them for a few minutes in Deoxydine and then take them for a bath in
>Alodine. As recommended by Henkel, you should then use another clean
>batch of Alodine to finish the treatment off. When you pull the piece
>from the second bath it will have a nice golden tan. Rinse it off and
>let it dry.
>Remember to dispose of your used Deoxydine and Alodine in a safe way.
>They are both strong acids and do cause environmental damage.
Dear Tony
Thank you very much for your advice.If Iam understanding you well, you think
that it's enough to make only anodising as a system anti-corrosion.In fact
for me
it's more easy that way because I know a factory which can this job properly in
my area.