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Tailwheel Mods

Subject: Tailwheel Mods
From: Dino Baker <>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 1997 09:00:31
Hello All,

In reply to John Morans' "oops".

I have been thinking of two alternative tailwheel drive spring 
systems to John's idler plate to tailwheel.

The tailwheel arm could be coupled to the rudder cables via springs 
and cables. The spring cable being attached to the rudder cables by a 
Phenolic block clamped around them with a plate on one side to attach 
the spring cable. Sliding the blocks along the rudder cables will 
allow tension adjustment.

The second and better idea, would be an idler crank pivoted on a 
suitable mount just aft of the Elevator stop frame. The rudder cables 
will attach to this and then on to the rudder drive idler. This idler 
crank could be longer than the tailwheel idler drive plate with the 
cables and spring attached to it and the tailwheel steering arm, thus 
giving more leverage to the tailwheel. The two idler arms will have 
1/4 inch countersunk bolts, spacers, washers and nuts for the cable 
attachment, this will eliminate any welding.

I hope I have explained clearly enough what I envisage.

John Baker.

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