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Re: Mod 46 pics

Subject: Re: Mod 46 pics
From: Carl Pattinson <>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 1998 23:00:54
Gert Dalgaard wrote:

> Hi Carl
> Saw your mail re. mod.46 and loved the image.
> How did you incorcopate the picture in your mail?
> Regards Gert Dalgaard Sorensen, Denmark
> Europa builder No. 151 (-hope to get flying before Cranefield '98)

Dear Gert,

The picture was taken originally on a Casio digital camera. I then
copied it into my computer and ajusted the size in Adobe Photoshop. I
chose a small image (ie- image size 3" x 2" at 72 dpi). This was saved
in jpg format to further compress the file size down to 5kb of data.
There is no point in sending large files over the internet as it takes
ages and only annoys the recipients due to long download times.

I composed the message in Netscape Navigator and added the saved image
as an attachment. The message was then sent as a normal e-mail.

Normally I would have scanned a photographic print, but a friend loaned
me the digital camera for the week to try out. Quality was not very good
but great for sending e-mails. 

I myself am a Professional Photographer and use digital imaging in my
work. We dont normally use digital cameras, but conventional film
photography. We then scan the negatives or transparencies and make
ajustments and corrections to the images before outputting to negative
or transparency again. We do not use digital cameras as yet as the
quality is not yet good enough compared to cost. The average size of an
image that we use is 35mb upwards. Very few digital cameras are capable
of this level of resolution yet and at 35mb per image you need a big
computer/ camera to store the data. 

We run a processing laboratory here in England and build my Europa in my
spare time. We already have the registration number, not surprisingly it
is  G-LABS.

Best wishes,

Carl Pattinson

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