I went to a Poly-Fiber demonstration at Sun n' Fun here in April '98, Florida
USA. According to Jon Goldbaum at Poly-Fiber, here is the recommend way to
fill fiberglass weave. It is a simple 4 step process. Background: Find an
inexpensive foam rubber roller. You should be able to find one at a local
Hardware or Home Repair store.
1) Fill any depressions of the part to paint with SuperFil.
2)Apply three coats of Smooth Prime to the plane with the roller. You can
spray, but rolling increases the effectiveness of pinfilling. Sand untill you
can just barely see the weave.
3) Apply two coats of Silver Shield, provides UV protection. Do Not Sand
Silver Shield that would reduce the UV protection.
4) Apply two more coats of Smooth Prime. Sand until you can just barely see
the Silver Shield. Both products roller on about a 0.33 of a mil per coat.
When it is all done the Smooth Prime and Silver Shield should be between 1.0 to
2.0 mil in thickness.
0.33 mil Smooth Prime. Sanded from 1.0 mil - Three Coats
0.66 mil Silver Shield Do Not Sand - Two Coats
0.33 mil Smooth Prime. Sanded from 0.66 mil Two Coats
1.33 mil Total (Sanded) Total (Unsanded) 2.33 mil
Top Coat with a finish paint of your choice.
"Through Complexity there is Simplicity,
Through Simplicity there is Complexity"
David L. Blair - CBS, MCP 1-813-978-6073 (Office)
Banyan Systems, Inc. 1-888-964-8049 (Pager)
On-site Consultant at GTE 1-813-978-4853 (Fax)
---------- Original Text ----------
From: "Fergus Kyle" <fkyle@bigwave.ca>, on 6/21/98 5:21 PM:
My buddy down the way (Chris Staines near London ON) has had his
pre-paont inspection and has recommended to me (When I get to that
Stage) the asbove products. He says the Superfil was VERY much lighter
and easier to work with and sand, that it was quick and clean, saving
him hours of work and much weight. He then used their covering product,
which is water-based and most effective. In additiionm to drying
quickly and spreading smoothly it filled PINHOLES completrely and of
course had all those quaslities of cleanup that water implies.
He is quite demanding in quality workmanship and so enthusiasm from
him is doubly interesting. He is not on email, however.
PolyFiber has a good free catalogue, is good with customer service
p.73), emails "www.polyfiber>com, or info@polyfiber.com and faxes from
1-909-684-0518. I'm convinced (and no commercial interest here).
Happy Landings,
Ferg Kyle #A064