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RE: Navaid Devices Wing Leveller

Subject: RE: Navaid Devices Wing Leveller
From: Chris Vowell <>
Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 19:45:48
To those that replied to my request, many thanks for the information.

I've now been able to locate Navaid Devices through Aerocrafter's excellent 
bulletin board covering general aviation suppliers (Thoroughly recommended as 
a contact point for those companies not yet on the internet!)

For those who want to know more about Navaid they are:

Company:              Navaid Devices, Inc.
Address:              641 N. Market St.
City/Postal:          Chattanooga TN 37405
Phone:                423-267-3311
Fax:                  423-756-6154

Co-incidentally, Chattanooga is near to where I did my flight training for my 
US PPL.  In fact, I did my control tower take off and landings at Chattanooga 
Airport.  About 20 of them over four hours - at night!  ( Ahh - fond memories 


Message to Tony K:  Please let me know how you get on with your Navaid 
installation.  I've read your internet reports about your progress avidly.  In

fact they're printed out and inserted in my Europa Build Manual - very useful 

Chris Vowell  No 345  

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