Do you think that "if a Tailkit was to arrive on your driveway,
unannounced that you would survive the experience; or would you be a
"Deadman"? ( I apologise for the intended humour but we inherited it!)
If the answer is yes, and you or your bank manager can afford it, "Go
for it" It has to be the cheapest a/c around for you guys, especially
now, and my little bloke spends a fair amount of time under my feet in
the workshop away from my wife. Just tell her to think of the weekends
away visiting the French vineyards etc etc. Good luck!
Tony Renshaw
Builder No.236
From: "Tim Sharon & Mariella Deadman" <deadman@mail.bogo.co.uk>
>Subject: Introduction.
>Date: Tue, 1 Sep 1998 21:16:42 +0100
>My name is Tim Deadman and I am a Europaholic
>I became addicted at Cranfield this year. I sat in the mock up and >since then
I have been on a mission to persuade my wife to let be have
>the time away from bringing up a 10 month old daughter to build one.
>I have been a visitor to Tony's site so many times I feel I have built
>one already.
>I am a lapsed PPL with 120 hours plus. With any luck I should get my >licence
back in a few weeks:-). I fly from Bourn in Cambridgeshire
>This is what the internet should be about.