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Re: N216JE

Subject: Re: N216JE
From: Marl Halbrook <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 20:41:20

>Has anyone determined the cause for this accident?

Yes, sort-of.

Talking with the folks at the fly-in that saw it, and taking in what Dan
can remember, it was a classic Take-off and Departure stall.  The OAT was
~85-90 degrees, the runway was closely mown grass-2100 ft long, trees at on
end, power-lines at other end--Dan took off towards the powerlines (into
wind of ~2 or 3 kts and also powerlines are lower than trees),  he reached
a point of no return and couldn't land and stop, so he pushed on--stalled
Rt wing as he cleared lines--almost spun, but managed to get wings level
and flare slightly just before contacting ground--max height attained was ~
80 ft

There was no power loss that we know of--Dan simply asked more of the plane
than it could deliver--just a bunch of little mistakes that bit him in the
Sonex #0117

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