Thanks to Rob and others for their replys concerning problems with the
forward lift pin - it was resolved by heating the lift pins with a hot
air blower , removing them and re-inserting with fresh redux 'though not
so deep. We now have a more difficult problem:
The spar pin bushes in one of the wings are set 1/4" closer to the wing
root than in the other. As a result there is only 5mm clearance between
the fuselage side and the wing top surface at the level of the forward
lift pin. That combined with the fact that the forward lift pin
aluminium plates are not set squre in the wing root means that there is
nothing like enough space to get the lift pin socket W26 into position.
The other wing is fineand without the forward socket on the port wing
they rig fine. Anyone been here or got a fix?
regards Paul Stewart