In my conversation with SP Systems' technical support last week I picked up
a tip that was so useful to me that I wanted to pass it on - I've certainly
not seen it documented anywhere, but apologies if everyone else already
knows about it!
Before passing it on, I tried it at the weekend when I started my flaps, and
it was a godsend on a very hot day (27C in the garage) when even with slow
hardener, every minute saved counted.
It is simply this: until you mix up the resin and hardener in the cup, they
do not react, _even at the interface_. The useful side of this is that if
you are using digital scales (like I am) to measure out resin and hardener
into the same cup, you can measure out all your epoxy batches ahead of time.
Then just cover the cups to keep out dust and minimise carbamate formation.
When you need a cup of resin, simply stir it up and work as normal.
Before this, I found I was taking several minutes measuring out each cup of
epoxy very precisely (I admit to being anal-retentive about getting the
weights right to 0.1g), and was doing so several times in each layup (e.g.
one for flox, one for micro, one for the first skin, one for the second
skin). Now I just measure out everything in advance then get on with the
layup - it's no quicker overall, but the layup time is shortened.
Jeremy Davey
Europa XS monowheel 537M G-EZZA