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Re: Europa-List: Fly (The London Air Show)

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Fly (The London Air Show)
From: Brian Fogg <>
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 20:28:08

Sorry to be a bit delayed replying after last evenings call. Just to confirm
that I would be willing to do a couple of three hour stints on Friday &
Saturday, I am flexible on the timing just let me know what is convenient.

Brian Fogg

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "G-IANI" <>
Subject: Europa-List: Fly (The London Air Show)

> Europa(2004) will be at "Fly" which takes place on Friday to Sunday (8th
> 10th April) at Earls Court.  Opening hours are from 10.00 to 18.00 Friday
> and Saturday and 10.00 to 17.00 Sunday.
> This will be the first major show they have attended and will mark their
> return to the sale of full kits to new buyers.
> Due to the limited resources they have available the Europa Club has
> to assist with this sales drive by providing the display aircraft (you
> remember G-KITZ has been sold) and helping to man the stand.
> This is a request for volunteers to help with manning the strand.  We
> like to provide two people for the period from 11.00 to 17.00 Friday and
> Saturday and from 11.00 to 16.00 Sunday.  With the Europa staff present
> should allow everyone time to talk to potential customers and have comfort
> breaks without feeling too overloaded.  (Your other job will be to ensure
> that the "great unwashed" do not try to walk of with bits of my aircraft
> which will be on display).
> For anyone doing three hours or more you will receive a free VIP entry
> ticket.  I have yet to discover what the "VIP" entitles you to.  You will
> also get to meet other Europa builders!!!
> If you can help us out, please contact me direct.  Please give the hours
> would be prefer to work and your home address (needed as VIP tickets are
> sent out by the show organisers direct).  I will then try and work out a
> timetable and contact all who have volunteered.
> Ian Rickard  #505 G-IANI XS Trigear
> Europa Club Assistant Mods Rep
> Direct e-mail

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