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Re: Europa-List: Trailer Wing Support

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Trailer Wing Support
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 17:24:40
 14, 2004) at 23/04/2005 14:55:08,
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21, 2004) at
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2004) at
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Hi Jim,
I have the factory trailer that I get at the same time as the Kit (#148). 
Yes, the spare pin hole is used to maintain the wing from sliding.
I am at work at present (Iran) but will comeback home in France at the end 
of the week (29/04). 
In fact, the spare is pushed into a frame that hold it from moving up and 
down and a pine secure it the other way. Simple.
If you are not in a hurry  will shoot and send photos to you as son as I 
will be back.
Just let me know. 

Jacques Point
#148, Interior and paint to go!

"Jim Butcher" <>
Sent by:
04/23/2005 04:11 PM
Please respond to europa-list

        To:        "europalist" <>
        Subject:        Europa-List: Trailer Wing Support

Does anyone have a decent photo of the factory trailer showing the wing 
support at the spar end?  I'm trying to determine if the spar pin hole is 
used to keep the wing from sliding forward and backwards as the trailer 
speeds up and slows down.  Or any suggestions on how others have addressed 
this situation?


Jim Butcher A185

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