14, 2004) at 08/22/2005 04:07:52 AM,
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Salut Gilles,
For NAV and COM, are you using one unique antenna, one cable and a kind of
splitter or 2 antennas and 2 cables ?
Jacques POINT
e-mail: jacques.point@total.com
Gilles Thesee <Gilles.Thesee@ac-grenoble.fr>
Sent by: owner-europa-list-server@matronics.com
08/22/2005 01:05 AM
Please respond to europa-list
To: europa-list@matronics.com
Subject: Re: Europa-List: Advanced Aircraft Antenna Vs Bob
N55XS a crit :
>I used Archer for both COM and Transponder and am happy with both. My
>Icom A200 has been heard at 50+ miles, 5x5.
I installed a Bob Archer comm antennna in the glass wingtip of our
carbon MCR 4S. The Becker AR 4201 radio works very satisfactorily with
it. During the month of July I regularly received and transmitted
messages with aircraft 80 to 120 nautical miles away, even at very low
Gilles Thesee
Grenoble, France