Thanks for the kind words. Yes - my first air race, good fun and
Shobdon a great venue. The handicappers were swine's - they added
three minutes to my start time on the line! No reason why Europas
can't be raced, I think Ivan Shaw won an air race at Sun'n'Fun/
Oshkosh many years ago. I'll be trying again and if anyone wants any
more info please contact me off list or take a look at: airraceuk.com/
Simon Longstaff
On 23 Aug 2005, at 17:17, David Corbett wrote:
> <david.corbett5@btinternet.com>
> Europhiles may have noticed that a few days ago Simon Logstaff
> (monowheel G-NDOL) put a test message on this site.
> I can now tell you that on Saturday 20 August, Simon flew his G-
> NDOL in
> the Beverly Snook Memorial Handicap Air Race here at Shobdon.
> As far as I know, this was the first time that a Europa had raced in a
> UK handicap air race - 6 laps around a four sided course, about 122 SM
> in total distance. Although Simon was not particularly well treated by
> the handicapers in this, the first Europa race appearance, he
> nevertheless acquitted himself very well, and the silence of his
> aircraft in relation to the other entrants was well noted!
> Congratulations, Simon - I hope that you will follow your Shobdon race
> up by entering other races in the series, both this year and next. If
> anyone is interested in the possibility of flying their Europa's in UK
> handicap air racing, contact either Simon or myself, off forum. It is
> good fun, and the air racing pilots and officials are an entertaining
> lot!
> David
> G-BZAM - UK 265