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RE: Europa-List: Oil Temperature again

Subject: RE: Europa-List: Oil Temperature again
From: Jack Heijboer <>
Date: Thu, 1 Sep 2005 17:12:55


Europa XS PH-JGW - 110 Hours -Rotax 914- Synthetic oil- Oil change every 25 
used oil goes into the family cars - Airmaster prop - 

Yesterday we did our testing for a %
& noise certificate, lots of runs at various RPM's, OAT was 26 Celsius. I run a
914 and have always experienced high CHT. I lowered the oil cooler from behind
the radiator. Max. CHT yesterday 121 degr.C and my oil temp was 85 degr.C. 
I used to be very worried with these CHT temps,I have seen 130 degr.C in France
on take off on a very hot day OAT 31 degr. now with the new Evans coolant I feel
pretty relaxed.
I suggest you change the position of the oil cooler if this worries you, yr oil
temp is still acceptable, more important is the coolant.

Fly safely

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Verzonden: donderdag 1 september 2005 15:41
Onderwerp: Europa-List: Oil Temperature again

We are still experiencing exceedingly high oil temps on G-MFHI (they would rise
about 140 if we didnt throttle back). CHT seems a little high at 115 to.

Ive tried blocking the bottom of the cowl out to give better airflow. I spoke to
David Hunter today who suggested moving the oil cooler from behind the Port
Rad (HI is a Classic) to the lower cowl, just below the spinner.

Has anyone else experienced these kind of temperatures? Has anyone moved the 
on a classic  if so, was it successful? If so, did the mod go through the
PFA? Any photos / drawings would be fantastic.

Probably a bit of a dumb question but, Ill ask anyway  could the fact that the
prop is set very course (about 18 degrees) be loading the engine too much and
hence, thats why its running so hot.

Thanks in anticipation


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