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RE: Europa-List: RE: Propellers

Subject: RE: Europa-List: RE: Propellers
From: Tim & Eileen Robertson <>
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 14:17:09

>From Tim Robertson 
The Wilcksh Diesel company  Europa has an MT three bladed prop and has been
through it's approval testing by the MT company. I do not know any other
details. Hope my first posting works.... 

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Tony Krzyzewski
Sent: 13 February 2006 08:15
Subject: Europa-List: RE: Propellers

There is something that has been puzling me for a while.

Many people on this group suggest one CS propeller system vs the other based
on weight, cost and increased performance yet not once have I seen anyone
ask about what testing programme has been run with that particular prop on
the Europa.

A few years ago I was priveleged enough to be the (unpaid) test pilot for
Airmaster. Airmaster, when they were ready to go into production, went out
and bought a Europa with a fixed pitch prop, fitted a US$5000 in flight data
recorder and I then spent 30 hours flying the plane in just about every
flight configuration you could imagine.

While this was going on Airmaster were having their hub tested at Auckland
University to determine the blade pull out forces (I believe they gave up at
28,000lbs) and analysing the hamonics of the system.

They then fitted the Airmaster CS prop to the aircraft and I repeated the
flight test process... right up to doing rapid throttle backoffs while
flying the aircraft at 185 knots with a harmonic analyser strapped to the
engine at the insistance of the PFA and thoroughly exploring the climb rate
under all fail conditions so that a go around is actually possible in all
conditions.  While flying at that speed is something that I am unlikely to
repeat and wouldn't recommend except under strictly controlled test flight
conditions, flying the Europa at 185 knots in a steady dive from 10000 feet
is the closest I can imagine to flying a jet fighter.

Doing this test flying gave me a real respect of how good a job Europa did
with the design of this aircraft and how much work goes into the design,
implementation and testing of a propeller system that I'd be happy to fly
behind in all situations.

When you are considering a propeller system that is an alternative to the
one that Europa recommend can I suggest that you ask for their test data and
ask them what flight test programme they have flown on the Europa. If that
can't be provided then you need to assume that you are going to be the test

As to performance of a Europa fitted with a CS prop... in 2002 I made a
flight with the data recorder running  and peaked at 149KIAS/ 151KTAS at
1500 feet straight and level... this with a 912 powered Europa and Airmaster
propeller fitted. After this flight I came to the conclusion that the
aircraft flies far batter with the CofG as far aft as practical and now,
when I am doing high speed run testing always shift the CofG aft.



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