Where do I obtain some Cabosil?
Thanks in anticipation.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Graham Singleton" <grahamsingleton@btinternet.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: Europa-List: To Those That Have Sanded Before Me... :)
> <grahamsingleton@btinternet.com>
> Nev
> I have another trick which works for me. I mix in colloidal silica. Try
> this, mix up the Expancell then add a little Cabosil..Then you can add
> another pile of Expancell to get back to the same consistency. The Cabosil
> makes it spread easier. It does NOT affect the sandability.
> Then I spread it on over a pair of strimmer lines, remove the strimmer
> lines and after 15 minutes careful spread again to flatten the tramlines
> and its done. Controled thickness, and thick enough to not need any more
> filling. The Cabosil seems to lubricate the Expancell so it spreads easy.
> Probably the reason my stripes were hard and soft is that the sanded
> surfaces absorbed resin from the next ;layer of filler and went hard.
> Superfil doesn't do that for some reason, maybe it has talc in it?
> Graham
> NevEyre@aol.com wrote:
>> Hi Jack / All,
>> If the Expancell / Epoxy is mixed runny enough to be combed on, it will
>> be too heavy, and much harder to sand.The Expancell mix should be almost
>> like bread dough to put on.... a real bugger to put on.... and impossible
>> to get on smoothly / thin. As mentioned before on here, fill too proud
>> ONCE, it will sand like dense balsa.... if you have to go back for a
>> second fill you may end up with different densities... which as Graham
>> mentioned, will sand away at different rates. If you managed to comb it
>> on, you will end up with stripes, if you have to fill an area, you will
>> get a ''tide mark''.
>> Nev.