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Re: Europa-List: Epoxy Question

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Epoxy Question
From: G&amp;TPowell <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 17:23:55

Please see my post of August 7, 2007.  In it I detailed my bench test of a batch
of Araldite with an "expire" date in 2006.  I related my detailed records of
the test, but I don't have the math background to calculate the forces involved.

I did this test after reading an extensive prior thread relating to epoxy 
The gist of the replies was that the expiration date listed on the can
is related to the length of time the manufacturer keeps its batch records.  One
poster related his conversation with an expert in epoxies, who said that the
"out of date" epoxy should be usable, if stored properly.

I am comfortable with the performance of my Araldite based on my test, as it 
that the Araldite will be the last component to fail (after laid-up fiberglass
parts).  After all, what is the supposed shelf life of other components
used in our aircraft?  

Everything about building your own aircraft entails some risk.  Get as much 
as possible and make your own assessment, as I did.  I would recommend
reading the earlier thread with the expiration discussion; it's very 

George Powell

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