Sight gauge is a great quick look item during your walk around. I
"calibrated" mine with ty-wraps every 4 gallons. In flight you can still get
around to see it. I did place mine between the seats on the front side of
the back support. I HIGHLY recommend a fuel flow sensor Grand rapids,
Flowscan 450... Some thing that is accurate. I use the flowscan 450 with my
914 and with the flow and return sensor I am accurate to just about the last
drop out of the tank. There is a comm. Line available with most every flow
sensor to take GPS data and give you estimated gallons used , remaining and
time to empty.. All much more useful that F / 3/4 / 1/2 and empty.
I ran out of fuel once in a rented 172 with a stuck float and badly setup
engine and prop combination.... Flow sensors are the way to go with a sight
gauge as a quick look during your preflight and a cross check during flight.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of flyingphil2
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2008 7:39 AM
Subject: Europa-List: Fuel System - What should I add?
I'm moving on with my build and am now thinking about the fuel system. The
tank and cockpit module are still out and so I have a blank canvas with
regards to what I can do.
I note that various mods are available for this namely: Mod 33 (Water Drain
Valves), Mod 49 (Fuel Filter mod) and Mod 60 (Electric contents gauge).
>From that list, Mod 49 sounds like a good idea as does Mod 33. What do
people think about Mod 60?? I'm favouring the 'keep it simple' approach on
this build and would think that the sight gauge is a nice simple idea. I've
had a look at some previous comments on all this and it seems that maybe it
Anyway, what fuel system mods do people think are necessary and why?
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