2006 EUROPA XS FOR SALE: Converted Monowheel to Conventional gear (axles can
convert to tundra tires if desired), speed kit. Rotax 912S with auxiliary
alternator (40 amps), Airmaster Constant Speed prop, Dynon D10A, Grand
Rapids EIS, electric airspeed/altimeter gauges, Garmin 396, TruTrak 2 axis
autopilot, Becker Radio & Trans, Monroy Traffic Watch PS eng intercom,
auxiliary fuel tank, Custom Covered Trailer with Wing Walkers, many extras,
built with the guidance and expertise of Alan "Bud" Yerly of Custom Flight
Creations and Russel Lepree of Flight Crafters. Total time on engine,prop
and airframe is 75 hours.
Asking $76,900 (Total invested $110K+ with trailer and all).
Please contact Richard Sementilli at rsementi@gmail.com My cell until July
27th is 917-385-8726. I will be on business assignment in Japan after the
28th. You can reach me on my Japan cell phone at: 080-1011-3307, dialing it
---From the USA is:01181-801-011-3307. If you want to see and fly it, please
contact Yuval Hadaya at 845-392-3469 and at yuval@comcast.net It is
currently at Curtiss Aero, DXR airport in Danbury Connecticut