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Europa-List: Re: 91 octane, time to be heard!

Subject: Europa-List: Re: 91 octane, time to be heard!
From: Roger Lee <ssadiver1@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2008 07:40:14

Hi Everyone,

Every website I posted on and I sent the letters to Flight  Design have people
speaking up in support. I have received dozens of emails in support and that is
just since last night. 

One voice will dye, but thousands may be heard. 

Don't sit ideally and complain. 1-2 minutes of your time is all anyone is 
It's your future and your time to offer your hand in a worthwhile effort to
help shape it. Do it for yourself if not for anyone else.

Roger Lee
Tucson, Az.
Light Sport Repairman - Maintenance Rated
Rotax Service Center

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