I know this is a fairly old thread but I came across it looking for a solution
to a similar problem I am having with my 914. I am not experiencing the surging
to the extent that the original post is but I am seeing rpm of up to 5500 then
the last 10% of throttle when the turbo adds full boost, the rpm drop to around
5200 range. This started happening when the weather started dropping and
is getting worse the colder the temps get. So I originally linked it to
I have disassemble the carbs and found that both needle clips are in the
no. 3 position and SI-914-013 says to put them in no. 2 and SI-914-014 shows
the positions as 1 for the 1/3 carb and 2 for the 2/4 carb. So now I am very
confused. Anyone have better info on where to put the needle clips?
Darin Hawkes
Series 7
914 Turbo
Kaysville, Utah
Read this topic online here: