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Europa-List: Re: 914 Slight Hesitation going Full Throttle?

Subject: Europa-List: Re: 914 Slight Hesitation going Full Throttle?
From: darinh <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 10:07:45


The wastegate travels through its full movement without binding and so do the 


I will check these again but they seem to be good.


It seems to be the same with one or both boost pumps running and fuel flow is 
I did have an issue with a plugged fuel filter at about 20 hours but that
has been replaced.  The plugged filter obviously caused significant hesitation
and rough running, so much so that I couldn't get much more than 4800 RPM.
I also installed the Bell intercooler which I had to modify for my installation
by cutting and rewelding the outlet 180 degrees to its original position. 
Apparently, this modification changed the airflow characteristics just enough
that I was not getting the air I needed and the engine would hesitate and 
around 5000 rpm.  Both the filter problem and the intercooler issue have been
remedied by either replacing or removing the items.  Now I just have the very
short single hesitation described in the original post before it goes WOT.

Darin Hawkes
Series 7 
914 Turbo
Kaysville, Utah

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