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Europa-List: Turbo problems???

Subject: Europa-List: Turbo problems???
From: TheSchultzFamily <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 19:42:26

Time for some group input. I was bad and did not fly for about 6 weeks. I
went out to the airport with good intentions to rectify that problem only to
find that above 60% power the engine would surge. I traced the problem to a
stuck waste gate. I have since freed it up with a little mouse milk on the
arm and the TCU servo and response to throttle seem to be good. The problem
I am now having is at about 60% power the engine starts to surge and trying
to go to full power just kills the engine. I "assume" it was turbo related
and pulled the air filter to check the turbo. The blades seem to turn fine.
A restart of the engine and all was good for about 2 days and then on run up
the problem returned. I can't seem to shake the feeling that I still have an
airflow problem but not sure how best to trouble shoot this one. Any
suggestions? I will be going back out tomorrow night to do a full power run
up with the plane tied down. I have monitored and logged the engine data but
it really just shows what you would expect with a surging engine. Change in
RMP change in Airbox pressure.... The engine has 180 hours on it and runs
great when it runs. Has anyone shot the inside of the turbo with a oil to
break up any carbon build up? I am trying to get a camera scope to have a
peek inside from the exhaust side.


Rich Schultz

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