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Re: Europa-List: Had A Bad Day with a Perspex Window

Subject: Re: Europa-List: Had A Bad Day with a Perspex Window
From: Flying Farmer <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 2009 23:22:00

Crag, Graham, Bud, Erich

 Thank you for the replays, I have tyred some of the suggested methods. 

Graham, the soldering Iron is a good one, but it puts melt lines in theperspex
and seems impossible to get between the door and the perspex

 I have tyred heating with an hair dryer, This works too, carefully lifting the
perspex off the door.  but I feel it will not be enough to clean up the corner
to get a good bond again.

 Bud, If I sand it down, there will be no window left to make a small bid layup
and will look bad on the position it is in on my Europa.

 I feel the only way would be to completely remove the window and start again.


Thank You
Richard Wheelwright


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