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Europa-List: Re: 1 1/4" gauges

Subject: Europa-List: Re: 1 1/4" gauges
From: ploucandco <ploucandco@YAHOO.COM>
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2010 00:41:13

Raimo, Craig Ellison is the author of the panel. Not me. I purchased my plane 
him 2 year ago. Under the yellow leverguard, you will find the switch to disable
the turbo servo micro-controller of the 914.

Ron, Good question! What I see directly:
- instrument panel with UMA gages, Dynon D10A (10W) and GPS AVMAP (10W), Radio
ICOM, fuel flow controller, Airmaster Controller... 
- fuel pump for the 914
- servo and micro-controller for the 914
- Airmaster servo
I avoid putting on the nav lights (5A extra) and strobes except needed otherwise
I am hearing the strobes when I am on the gliding path to land...
Planning to add a second 40A generator on the back of the engine one of these 


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