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Europa-List: Fuel lines

Subject: Europa-List: Fuel lines
From: Richard Tobin <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 18:53:34
Dear All,

Following a strong smell of fuel in the cockpit my co-owner and I have recently
discovered a leak  between a union (FPA904/A) and the selector valve (6749).
In the course of tracking down this leak we discovered a lot of the fuel hose
was in bad shape due to fuel exposure and chafing. We have decided to replace
the selector and its unions along with most of the fuel hose in and around the

We didn't build the aircraft and so are quite new to all this...

Our questions,

1       Does the fuel selector part No 6749 click? I noticed in Aircraft Spruce 
and Speciality
a very similar selector to 6749 does, but in the description of 6749
no mention is made of this. The selector we have fitted clicks and so we are
keen to keep it the same.

2       When tightening the unions into the selector should any sealing 
compound be used?
The build manual makes no mention of this but given the situation we find
ourselves in now we are keen to get this right! Is it because brass is soft 
to seal well?

3       Replacement fuel hose. I have been searching and reading through many 
on this list for a recommendation on the hose to use. We would like to use a
hose that reduces as much as possible the petrol smell and gives as long a 
life as possible. I have read gates R9 hose is good but can`t find a european
supplier.   Also a recommendation for the clips to use would be welcome.
In our existing system jubilee clips have been used and in a couple of places
the band that has passed through the worm drive has  cut into nearby hose. 

The Aircraft is LAA registered.

Many thanks



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