Thanks for the details - I will be supporting as in previous years.
However, to add to the value I get from the forum, please can you send me
my log in details afresh so that I can log in from PCs other than my home
PC (which seems to have the details as a Cookie but invisible to me, and I
can't find them elsewhere)?
Many thanks
Richard Churchill-Coleman
On 1 November 2011 13:45, Matt Dralle <> wrote:
> Dear Listers,
> This year marks 21 years of the Email Lists and Forums at Matronics! I've
> been running these forums for nearly half my life! I've made some great
> friends over the years and had countless email and personal conversations
> with builders about aircraft building and flying. What a great community
> of people! The advice, support, and friendship has be invaluable over the
> years.
> To support the continued operation and upgrade of the List servers, each
> November I hold a PBS-like fund raiser. It is solely through the
> Contributions of List members that these Matronics Lists are possible.
> There is NO advertising to support the Lists. You might have noticed the
> conspicuous lack of flashing banners and annoying pop-ups on the Matronics
> Email List email messages and web site pages including:
> * Matronics List Forums
> * Matronics List Search Engine
> * Matronics List Browser
> * Matronics List List Wiki
> You don't find advertising on any of these pages because I believe in a
> List experience that is completely about the sport we all enjoy - airplanes!
> During the month of November, I will be sending out List messages every
> couple of days reminding everyone that the Fund Raiser is underway. I ask
> for your patience and understanding during the Fund Raiser and throughout
> these regular messages. The Fund Raiser is only financial support
> mechanism I have to pay all of the bills associated with running these
> Lists. Your personal Contribution counts!
> Once again, this year we've got another terrific line up of free gifts to
> go along with the various Contribution levels. Many of these gifts have
> been provided by some of the vary members and vendors that you'll find on
> Matronics Lists and they have been either donated or provided at
> substantially discounted rates.
> This year, these generous people include:
> * Bob Nuckolls of the AeroElectric Connection
> * Andy Gold of the Builder's Bookstore
> These are extremely generous guys and I encourage you to visit their
> respective web sites. Each one offers a unique and very useful
> aviation-related product line. I would like publicly to thank Bob, and
> Andy for their generous support of the Lists again this year!!
> You can make your List Contribution using any one of three secure methods
> including using a credit card, PayPal, or by personal check. All three
> methods afford you the opportunity to select one of this year's free gifts
> with a qualifying Contribution amount!!
> To make your Contribution, please visit the secure site below:
> I would like to thank everyone in advance for their generous financial AND
> moral support over the years!
> Matt Dralle
> Matronics Email List Administrator
> RV-8 Builder (and Rebuilder) and Flyer
> RV-6 Rebuilder and Flyer
> RV-4 Builder