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Europa-List: Excellent tailplane modification designed by Pat Tunney

Subject: Europa-List: Excellent tailplane modification designed by Pat Tunney
From: GBWFH2010 <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 13:50:05

At the annual inspection the amount of play in my tailplane was deemed to be 
and the LAA confirmed remedial action was required. I looked at all
the options available and decided to go with LAA Mod SM 11906 as designed by
Pat Tunney. This solution replaces the original bolts secured with split pins
by bolts secured by precisely engineered clamps that fit around the torque tube.

I have to say Pat Tunney was extremely helpful and gave me a huge amount of 
with this project . He supplied the clamps and the new pins and arranged
for the clamps to be precisely machined to fit my torque tube.

The actual task of removing the torque tube was quite difficult as I had to do
all the work through the two side access panels. I am sure there are those who
can do this job quickly, but I found it a real struggle and it took me the best
part of a day. Fitting the re-engineered clamp solution  was much easier and
the job was done in just under three hours, even though we were doing everything
slowly and carefully. I estimate that if the torque tube should need to be
removed for inspection the whole job could be done in half a day.  

I now have a beautifully engineered solution and a rock solid tailplane. I think
Pat should be congratulated on coming up with such a good design.

I attach a picture of the installation in G-BWFH.

Gordon Grant

Gordon Grant


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