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Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 3 Msgs - 05/22/12

Subject: Europa-List: Re: Europa-List Digest: 3 Msgs - 05/22/12
From: van eldik <>
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 18:11:25

On 23 May 2012, at 10:01, Europa-List Digest Server <>

> *
> =================================================
>   Online Versions of Today's List Digest Archive
> =================================================
> Today's complete Europa-List Digest can also be found in either of the 
> two Web Links listed below.  The .html file includes the Digest formatted 
> in HTML for viewing with a web browser and features Hyperlinked Indexes 
> and Message Navigation.  The .txt file includes the plain ASCII version 
> of the Europa-List Digest and can be viewed with a generic text editor 
> such as Notepad or with a web browser. 
> HTML Version:
> 12-05-22&Archive=Europa
> Text Version:
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> ===============================================
>   EMail Version of Today's List Digest Archive
> ===============================================
>           ----------------------------------------------------------
>                           Europa-List Digest Archive
>                                      ---
>                     Total Messages Posted Tue 05/22/12: 3
>           ----------------------------------------------------------
> Today's Message Index:
> ----------------------
>     1. 05:44 AM - for interest - float bowl gaskets  (William Daniell)
>     2. 05:12 PM - Re: for interest - float bowl gaskets  (Bud Yerly)
>     3. 05:47 PM - Re: for interest - float bowl gaskets  
> (
> ________________________________  Message 1  
> _____________________________________
> From: "William Daniell" <>
> Subject: Europa-List: for interest - float bowl gaskets
> For the record an interesting thing happened to me with my zenith which has
> an aftermarket turbo fitted.
> Above 11k full power caused vibration - I thought this was just a normal
> "fault" of the aftermarket turbo.  Take off from 8500 etc all normal.
> However the problem got worse and manifested itself at lower altitudes.
> We put on a vernier to manually adjust waste-gate and the problem showed up
> at higher MP - over 34".  Otherwise the engine ran normally.  It felt like
> fuel starvation.
> New carb vacuum chamber diaphragms, carb balance, full fuel system check,
> fuel pressure - no change.   All readings completely normal except for the
> vibration and minor power loss at higher altitudes and power settings.
> Just out of interest we changed the carb float bowl gaskets which had been
> changed recently using rotax original parts.  We put in after market softer
> cork gaskets because that's what we had.  This cured the problem completely.
> The conclusion was that the float bowls had been dropped or the mating faces
> had been damaged in some very minor way allowing air to get into the system
> but only at higher differential pressure - higher power settings and higher
> altitude.  There was no evidence of fuel leak.  The softer aftermarket
> gasket compensated for the minor flaws in the mating surfaces of the float
> bowls.
> We spent two days and maybe USD500 solving a problem which was turned out to
> be a 5c gasket.
> Will
> Bogota
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of europapa
> Sent: 21 May, 2012 15:51
> Subject: Europa-List: Re: Lack of power with water heated carb body
> mountings
> Hi,
> in the mailing list I can see all of your replies but not here in the forum
> [Question] .
> I am very happy to see so many help by real experts.
> Thank you so much.
> Karl, Craig, Bob, Pete,Terry, John and all the others, thank you so much.
> I am now thinking too that the added heat is not an  issue.
> Today I had my prof-check or how do you call it?
> At full throttle and even with my not so light flight inspector the power
> produced by my 912s at high rpm / full throttle was good.
> But when reducing the rpm / throttle the engine became rough like an old
> diesel engine.
> I am rather confused.
> Now I have removed the carbs and will overhaul them.
> If that will not bee the answer I will totally remove the carb heaters to
> see if that will solve the problem.
> If there will still no cure ......... dose anybody wants to buy a very nice
> Europa Trigear......    ( no way!   ;-) ).
> More information later, I am really tiered after this long and exciting day.
> CU
> Juergen
> Read this topic online here:
> ________________________________  Message 2  
> _____________________________________
> From: "Bud Yerly" <>
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: for interest - float bowl gaskets
> William and all Rotax / Jabiru owners:
> At Custom Flight we are having the same problem with the new carb kits.  
> Jim Glover had his plane in for major repairs and upgrades.  The engine 
> sat a while (six months) and we refurbished the carbs with new 
> everything for Jim since the carbs had 300 hours on them.  We have done 
> this numerous times without distress or difficult tuning.  The engine at 
> altitude began missing.  At low boost below 27 inches or low manifold 
> pressures under boost, the engine ran great, but when the boost came up 
> to 34 inches, going through 6000 ft., the engine went out of tune.  We 
> couldn't fix it so we had Jim fly down to Lockwood to have them have a 
> go at it.  They couldn't fix it either after new carb bowls, complete 
> teardown and rebuild again.  In desperation, Lockwood put two new carbs 
> on the engine, tuned it up and it is back to normal at great cost and 
> time for the mechanics and owner.
> Now suddenly we are having a rash of 914 turbo leaks around the floats.  
> N419PL and 12AY have had leaks as have Bob, William  and others.  A 
> turbocharged engine must have proper seals on the bowls and compensator 
> for sure to operate properly.  Take this as some hard learned advice::
> First, do not overtorque the float bowls to seal a leak on the 914, as 
> the bowls bend and distort and they are $140 each.
> Second, Bing has recommended cork gaskets for the float bowl for all the 
> 912/912S engines with the bail clips.  This is not sold as part of the 
> tune-up kit (normally sold for about $50 with all the O-rings and paper 
> gaskets for two carbs).  You have to ask for the cork gaskets 
> specifically.  A Bing Tech at the factory told us that we should be 
> using the cork on all the bail clip Bing carbs.  Jabiru included.  On 
> the 914 they still recommend the paper gasket.  We are not in agreement 
> with Bing on the 914.
> We are surprised that it seems that the paper gaskets are just not 
> holding up in the 914, especially if it sits a while.  So we are putting 
> in cork gaskets now as a matter of course on the 914s to see how that 
> works.  Of course the cork gaskets cost twice as much, but between Kerry 
> at Lockwood, Ed and I we are looking at the cork to solve this issue 
> long term for leaky bowls.....
> Regards,
> Bud Yerly
> Europa Tech Support.
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  From: William Daniell<> 
>  To:<> 
>  Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 8:41 AM
>  Subject: Europa-List: for interest - float bowl gaskets
> <<>>
>  For the record an interesting thing happened to me with my zenith 
> which has
>  an aftermarket turbo fitted.
>  Above 11k full power caused vibration - I thought this was just a 
> normal
>  "fault" of the aftermarket turbo.  Take off from 8500 etc all normal.
>  However the problem got worse and manifested itself at lower 
> altitudes.
>  We put on a vernier to manually adjust waste-gate and the problem 
> showed up
>  at higher MP - over 34".  Otherwise the engine ran normally.  It felt 
> like
>  fuel starvation.
>  New carb vacuum chamber diaphragms, carb balance, full fuel system 
> check,
>  fuel pressure - no change.   All readings completely normal except for 
> the
>  vibration and minor power loss at higher altitudes and power settings.
>  Just out of interest we changed the carb float bowl gaskets which had 
> been
>  changed recently using rotax original parts.  We put in after market 
> softer
>  cork gaskets because that's what we had.  This cured the problem 
> completely.
>  The conclusion was that the float bowls had been dropped or the mating 
> faces
>  had been damaged in some very minor way allowing air to get into the 
> system
>  but only at higher differential pressure - higher power settings and 
> higher
>  altitude.  There was no evidence of fuel leak.  The softer aftermarket
>  gasket compensated for the minor flaws in the mating surfaces of the 
> float
>  bowls.
>  We spent two days and maybe USD500 solving a problem which was turned 
> out to
>  be a 5c gasket.
>  Will
>  Bogota
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: 
>  [] On Behalf Of europapa
>  Sent: 21 May, 2012 15:51
>  To:<>
>  Subject: Europa-List: Re: Lack of power with water heated carb body
>  mountings
> <<>>
>  Hi,
>  in the mailing list I can see all of your replies but not here in the 
> forum
>  [Question] .
>  I am very happy to see so many help by real experts.
>  Thank you so much.
>  Karl, Craig, Bob, Pete,Terry, John and all the others, thank you so 
> much.
>  I am now thinking too that the added heat is not an  issue.
>  Today I had my prof-check or how do you call it?
>  At full throttle and even with my not so light flight inspector the 
> power
>  produced by my 912s at high rpm / full throttle was good.
>  But when reducing the rpm / throttle the engine became rough like an 
> old
>  diesel engine.
>  I am rather confused.
>  Now I have removed the carbs and will overhaul them.
>  If that will not bee the answer I will totally remove the carb heaters 
> to
>  see if that will solve the problem.
>  If there will still no cure ......... dose anybody wants to buy a very 
> nice
>  Europa Trigear......    ( no way!   ;-) ).
>  More information later, I am really tiered after this long and 
> exciting day.
>  CU
>  Juergen
>  Read this topic online here:
> avigator?Europa-List>
> on>
> ________________________________  Message 3  
> _____________________________________
> From:
> Subject: Re: Europa-List: for interest - float bowl gaskets
> At the Rotax classes I've attended at Rotech in Canada, Rob and Mike have be
> en recommending the cork gaskets for years now.
> Kevin
> On May 22, 2012, at 5:11 PM, "Bud Yerly" <> wrote:
>> William and all Rotax / Jabiru owners:
>> At Custom Flight we are having the same problem with the new carb kits.  J
> im Glover had his plane in for major repairs and upgrades.  The engine sat a
> while (six months) and we refurbished the carbs with new everything for Jim
> since the carbs had 300 hours on them.  We have done this numerous times wi
> thout distress or difficult tuning.  The engine at altitude began missing.  A
> t low boost below 27 inches or low manifold pressures under boost, the engin
> e ran great, but when the boost came up to 34 inches, going through 6000 ft.
> , the engine went out of tune.  We couldn't fix it so we had Jim fly down to
> Lockwood to have them have a go at it.  They couldn't fix it either after n
> ew carb bowls, complete teardown and rebuild again.  In desperation, Lockwoo
> d put two new carbs on the engine, tuned it up and it is back to normal at g
> reat cost and time for the mechanics and owner.
>> Now suddenly we are having a rash of 914 turbo leaks around the floats.  N
> 419PL and 12AY have had leaks as have Bob, William  and others.  A turbochar
> ged engine must have proper seals on the bowls and compensator for sure to o
> perate properly.  Take this as some hard learned advice::
>> First, do not overtorque the float bowls to seal a leak on the 914, as the
> bowls bend and distort and they are $140 each.
>> Second, Bing has recommended cork gaskets for the float bowl for all the 9
> 12/912S engines with the bail clips.  This is not sold as part of the tune-u
> p kit (normally sold for about $50 with all the O-rings and paper gaskets fo
> r two carbs).  You have to ask for the cork gaskets specifically.  A Bing Te
> ch at the factory told us that we should be using the cork on all the bail c
> lip Bing carbs.  Jabiru included.  On the 914 they still recommend the paper
> gasket.  We are not in agreement with Bing on the 914.
>> We are surprised that it seems that the paper gaskets are just not holding
> up in the 914, especially if it sits a while.  So we are putting in cork ga
> skets now as a matter of course on the 914s to see how that works.  Of cours
> e the cork gaskets cost twice as much, but between Kerry at Lockwood, Ed and
> I we are looking at the cork to solve this issue long term for leaky bowls.
> ....
>> Regards,
>> Bud Yerly
>> Europa Tech Support.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: William Daniell
>> To:
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 8:41 AM
>> Subject: Europa-List: for interest - float bowl gaskets
>> For the record an interesting thing happened to me with my zenith which ha
> s
>> an aftermarket turbo fitted.
>> Above 11k full power caused vibration - I thought this was just a normal
>> "fault" of the aftermarket turbo.  Take off from 8500 etc all normal.
>> However the problem got worse and manifested itself at lower altitudes.
>> We put on a vernier to manually adjust waste-gate and the problem showed u
> p
>> at higher MP - over 34".  Otherwise the engine ran normally.  It felt like
>> fuel starvation.
>> New carb vacuum chamber diaphragms, carb balance, full fuel system check,
>> fuel pressure - no change.   All readings completely normal except for the
>> vibration and minor power loss at higher altitudes and power settings.
>> Just out of interest we changed the carb float bowl gaskets which had been
>> changed recently using rotax original parts.  We put in after market softe
> r
>> cork gaskets because that's what we had.  This cured the problem completel
> y.
>> The conclusion was that the float bowls had been dropped or the mating fac
> es
>> had been damaged in some very minor way allowing air to get into the syste
> m
>> but only at higher differential pressure - higher power settings and highe
> r
>> altitude.  There was no evidence of fuel leak.  The softer aftermarket
>> gasket compensated for the minor flaws in the mating surfaces of the float
>> bowls.
>> We spent two days and maybe USD500 solving a problem which was turned out t
> o
>> be a 5c gasket.
>> Will
>> Bogota
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of europapa
>> Sent: 21 May, 2012 15:51
>> To:
>> Subject: Europa-List: Re: Lack of power with water heated carb body
>> mountings
>> Hi,
>> in the mailing list I can see all of your replies but not here in the foru
> m
>> [Question] .
>> I am very happy to see so many help by real experts.
>> Thank you so much.
>> Karl, Craig, Bob, Pete,Terry, John and all the others, thank you so much.
>> I am now thinking too that the added heat is not an  issue.
>> Today I had my prof-check or how do you call it?
>> At full throttle and even with my not so light flight inspector the power
>> produced by my 912s at high rpm / full throttle was good.
>> But when reducing the rpm / throttle the engine became rough like an old
>> diesel engine.
>> I am rather confused.
>> Now I have removed the carbs and will overhaul them.
>> If that will not bee the answer I will totally remove the carb heaters to
>> see if that will solve the problem.
>> If there will still no cure ......... dose anybody wants to buy a very nic
> e
>> Europa Trigear......    ( no way!   ;-) ).
>> More information later, I am really tiered after this long and exciting da
> y.
>> CU
>> Juergen
>> Read this topic online here:
>> http://www.matronnbsp;    via the Web title=
> href="";>
>> _p;         generous bsp;                    title=http://www.matronics.
> com/contribution href="";>http://www.m
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