Quoting Matt Dralle <>:
Hi Matt
A little while ago made a contribution of $50 to the Europa list .
However I am not sure if it went through OK. I am still getting
reminders,if you have not received it, let me know & I will repeat
the process
Regards Brian Fogg
> Dear Listers,
> There's just two more days left in this year's List Fund Raiser and
> that means the List of Contributors (LOC) is just around the corner!
> In December I post a list of everyone that so generously made a
> Contribution to support the Lists. Its my way of publicly thanking
> everyone that took a minute to show their appreciation for the Lists.
> Won't you take minute and assure that your name is on the upcoming
> LOC? Tell others that you appreciate the Lists. Making a
> Contribution to support the Lists is fast and easy using your Visa,
> MasterCard, or Paypal account:
> Or, drop a personal check in the mail to:
> Matt Dralle / Matronics
> 581 Jeannie Way
> Livermore CA 94550
> I would like to thank everyone that has so generously made a
> Contribution thus far during this year's List Fund Raiser! Remember
> that its YOUR support that keeps these Lists running and improving!
> Don't forget to include a little comment about how the Lists have
> helped you!
> Thank you!
> Matt Dralle
> Matronics Email List Administrator