Heck yeah!!!
Only an hour drive from home. Excellent opportunity to meet everyone
and great motivation for me to finish up my Europa.
Please let me know of any specifics.
Thank you for the invite!!
> On Nov 30, 2021, at 11:10 AM, Dan B. <bdanbish@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've been asked by Jim Butcher to see if we could put together an
Arizona fly-in. After asking around, it looked best to shoot for
something in January but as you can see from Bud's email above, it looks
like we have a date albeit short notice. I'm currently scheduled to be
away that weekend but am going to see if I can rearrange things.
Hopefully some of you will be able to make it - weather in Arizona this
time of year - hell, just about any time of year - is fantastic, so it
should be a great time to meet and talk everything Europa.
> Please reply to this email if you think you'll be able to make it,
which day(s) and whether you're bringing your Europa. I'll tally
attendance and send the results back to this list. I think I have most
of the West coast gang on this email (and a few others possibly) but if
you can think of anyone else who might be interested, please forward
this email to them. @Jim Butcher, maybe distribute to the entire US
> Dates - Saturday 12/4, Sunday 12/5
> Time - Open, will try to arrange a meal we can all attend so will need
a head count
> Best,
> Dan
> bdanbish@gmail.com <mailto:bdanbish@gmail.com>
> 520.360.9747 Mobile
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 9:56 AM Bud Yerly <budyerly@msn.com
<mailto:budyerly@msn.com>> wrote:
> Guys and Gals interested,
> I=99m going to assist Jack McKenzie prepping and test flying his
Europa Trigear. Jack is at Ryan Field (KRYN) (Just outside of Tucson
AZ). I fly in on 1 Dec and leave on the 6th.
> Jack and I have been visiting and consulting on his plane for a few
years and with Jack only able to work =C2=BD a year, he has completed
his Europa and now has an Airworthiness Certificate.
> Weather looks great and anyone wanting to fly/drive in to visit the
weekend of the 4th and 5th we will make time for a get together. I=99
m sure we will be there most of the day Thursday through Sunday either
flying or fixing (after all, it is an airplane, and some tweaking may be
necessary). Thursday we will inspect, and test run with a tentative
initial flight on Thursday/Friday if all goes well. We will be looking
for anyone wishing to visit over the weekend. It would be nice to
gather for a Saturday or Sunday Lunch bunch meeting. The restaurant is
Richie's Caf=C3=A9 and lunch and dinner menus are nicely priced (for an
airport it=99s really great). Here is hoping all goes well and we
can see one another in person, and I=99m sure Jack=99s plane
will fly as good as his workmanship.
> Wish us luck.
> Bud Yerly