Greetings from Trimley, Suffolk, England to Europa-oriented people
everywhere. As Peter suggested, here's my introduction.
I'm Rowland Carson. I'm not yet a builder. I work (at the time of writing)
for BT Labs, but have signed up for early retirement, effective next March,
to make time for Europa building. I've seen a lot of long-term projects
(not aeroplanes) wither because enthusiasm ran out after a few years. I
hope to avoid that problem by getting my building done in a year or so of
almost full-time work.
I have about 135 hours P1 since 1980, mostly on C150, C172, PA28, PA38 with
various clubs at Ipswich Airport.
I have other interests and skills which I'm happy to share if anyone is
interested. I am basically an electronic engineer, with sidelines in
acoustics, statistics, and human perception. I program in 'c' (well, you
guessed that from the subject line, anyway) and also speak BASIC and a
little pascal, PL/9, assembler, etc. I am a Mac fanatic (who could imagine
buying any other sort of computer?) and a FileMaker Pro enthusiast. I have
a FMPro pilot's log template anyone can have a copy of if interested (FMPro
also runs on windoze). I am a Quaker, and run the room hiring accounts at
the Ipswich Friends Meeting House (on FMPro, natch). I'm also into
photography (35mm, 6x6 & 6x7), cycling (70 - 100km/week on commuting at
present), model engineering (Cowells 90 lathe) and model aeroplanes (only
when I can't get at the real thing).
My wife Wilma is an artist. First action in the Europa project plan is to
move house to one with both studio & hangar attached! Although I've been
nursing the idea of building an aircraft for some time, we haven't found a
house really suitable yet - but we're gonna have to get serious now I've
agreed to give up the day job.
I'm sure this mail list will be mutually beneficial. I can't offer much
input yet. I hope after the big box arrives that I'll still have time to
get online - in the meantime I'll be listening and learning.
Thanks again for all the hard work in getting this list going.
... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...