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The Hump

Subject: The Hump
From: Allan Hall <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 16:26:24
In reply to Mark D Hiatt's enquiry on the "Hump" in G-Kits.

The center console design is the same as G-Elsa (slightly smaller than G-Yuro),
but has a removeable cover to allow (small!) luggage storage. There is no flap
actuating rod to get in the way as the flaps are electrically operated.

I think that Ivan kept the center console unchanged as it forms a major
structural part of the airframe, forming a strong central backbone, and a major
redesign would be required to remove it.

It may be possible to convert console area to second fuel tank, but check that
this doesn't throw CG forward of design limits. BTW  you may well need the extra
fuel storage as the latest tank revision (recieved my new tank on friday after
month wait, Hurrah!!!) reduces size to 14  imp gallons, but at least it doesn't
foul the controls now!

Isn't it fun to have our own mailgroup? Thanks for all the hard work  Pete :-)

Allan J Hall (177)  

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