Yesterday evening I was once more looking to the actual Video of the Europa
to show a friend of mine the reason for my (good) dream of sleeples nights,
the Europa. As all the many times before I had looked to the moving pictures I
was also this time fascinated to the great concept of the aircraft.
But exactly in the moment when the last sequences of the movie appeared, where
Pete Clark (I guess thats the name of the Europa Test Pilot) showed some nice
Rolls and Loops, we saw that the horizontal Stabs and the Flettnerrudder
begans to FLATTER!!! First we thought, this was a fault on the tape, but after
looking the same sequence over and over we decided, we saw it right.
So, after all I feel seriously unhappy with that obvious structurproblem of
the tailfin or its suspension.
My Questions now:
1. Has anybody else- who have seen the Video - the same Impressions?
and if
2. what do you think about the reasons of that flatter?
3. how can the problem be solved?
Further I read the messages about the effects of postcuring and - to my real
shame - i do not know much about it. But - off course - there are still
further questions:
4. When one decide to store his/here Europa in an old Oversea-container
(maybe painted in old red rust color or green or dark blue or maybe
black......) , and it gets realy hot in it, what would happen to the plane?
5.Melting like Banana Icecream?
6.How about the red wingtips and the stripes on G-ELSA? As far I know, the
temperature under this colored areas must raise and - as one off you told us
in the former mails to that theme - the foam would become messed up or would
even delaminate from the coat.
7. How safe are selfconnecting pins?
I dont know, maybe it is all stupid stuff, but anyway, my teacher allways told
me, there are no stupid questions at all and i really dont wonna have a plane,
what becames selfdisassembling by rudderflatter inflight or melting while
So far, hope everybody had have a nice weekend,