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Re: Laptops?

Subject: Re: Laptops?
From: TomBreitenbachEDHK <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 12:12:36
In reply to Graham E. Laucht
>It will be, I am privilidged to have one of the protos in front of me right
now, having had a hand in it's design as well as having flown some of the
development hardware.<


>The actual LCD screen is rather specific in that it has very high contrast 
ratio and colour saturation which actually improves with increasing ambient 
light level something that your average laptop fails miserably. The other 
important attributes are wide viewing angle and temperature range again 
features that the average laptop again cannot easily match.<

Nice shot, i guess.
The projekt you are on seems to me much more serious than a conventional Laptop
could ever be.
Also the aspect of redundancy fits into it, as long you do not rely on one
little black box without any backup.
For my information: Could you be so pleasant and give me all the main features
of the unit you are working on?
Thanks a lot
Thomas, Kiel Germany

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