Allan Hall wrote:
>I have fitted a tank mounted Westach capacitance probe and fuel gauge
>instead. >I
>think that this arrangement is probably as light as a plastic tube full of
>(unuseable) fuel. Another useful feature of Westach probe is that it will
>water in bottom of tank. Only downside is it costs more.
Yes, my catalogue has that as $117.50 - with 2/3rds of the cost in the
sender! Any reason not to use the Mitchell brand at $69.15? Much heavier?
Unreliable? Made of unobtainium? There's no weight given for Mitchell,
against the 4oz of the Westach, and also it looks like they can't be
internally illuminated.
I assume the water detection capability would apply to any capacitance-type
... that's Rowland with a 'w' ...