Reply to Dale>>Graham referred to as a fishline techinque.<<
Sorry to be vague, I can't remember where it was on here, month ago perhaps. Ron
described it in the club newsletter. Briefly:
It's much better to put on too much and sand it off. When you remicro on top of
old the layer underneath seems to absorb the new resin and is thus harder, you
end up with a ring of slightly harder micro around every patch. ie it doesn't
sand evenly.
Also it's hard to mix the same consistency each time. doesn't sand evenly again.
I mix colloidal silica (Cabosil) with the plastic microballoons ratio 1:5 dry
in a sealed bucket. (Usually the one it came in) Then mix into micro.
Spread quickly enough to cover two feet of wing then get 2 lengths of .025"
thick nylon line weight each end and drape across the wing like two tram lines
3" apart. Use a flat edged steel scraper 4" across to scrape off down to the top
of the nylon. Move the lines by turn along the wing. " hours to do one side root
to tip. The gaps where the lines were will disappear if you draw the scraper
lightly across 1/4 hour after applying each 2 foot area. The cabosil is vital,
it seems to lubricate the balloons and stops the micro rolling up. Plastic
balloons sand easy, Q Cell hard, although I understand West System epoxy sands
easy even with Q Cell.