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Digital Clinometers

Subject: Digital Clinometers
From: Allan Hall <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 12:56:11

Following up a discussion in the bar at Doncaster, can anyone find a price and
UK supplier of digital clinometers?.....................After hearing how easy
and accurate they are my life seems incomplete without one!!

Also, Stephen Eyre asked  << just what ARE those 2 nylon cylinders for! >>

You must have the earlier tailplane manual Stephen, as later in the build you
have to saw your precious tailplanes in half and insert nylon bushes in the
middle, then patch halves back together with bid. You obviously haven't received
the mod showing how to insert them before joining the foam cores, pity you've
already done the skin layups!<G>
(Only joking!............they are actually to be inserted on tailplane torque
tube inside fuselage as thrust bearings, to stop tailplane moving laterally.
Earlier builders may know what I'm trying to say though!!)

Allan J Hall #177 

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