>>What is the latest update on the progress of using the Suburu engine in the
Europa. <<
Going well. Europa aren't involved except to keep a watching eye on the
proceedings, it's another English company called Aero Developements. They have
just started test flying with a 118 NSI unit. Climbs well, 1200 fpm at gross
weight. Cruise not yet measured. The only big question to be answered is will
the spin recovery be as quick and easy (let go the stick after 6 turns and it
comes out before 7.5) because of the higher polar moment of inertia. The NSI
unit is rather heavy compared to the Rotax and requires 15 lbs of lead in the
tail. At least, that's what was needed to get into the first flight box. Some of
that will come out as testing proceeds.
The airplane is a delight to fly and has a most acceptable angle of climb.